15 blocked the app, as well as two popular messaging services, WeChat and Telegram, from government tech. The University System of Georgia, a collection of 26 public institutions, banned TikTok from all of its computers and mobile devices. "The governor's order addresses the growing risk of intrusive social media applications harvesting data totally unrelated to business use of the platform,” the memo states, Insider reported. Ivey ended use of TikTok on state devices.Īuburn officials, citing privacy concerns, sent a memo to campus recommending TikTok be removed from personal devices as well. AlabamaĪt least one prominent public college, Auburn University, opted to excise TikTok from its devices and wireless network following an executive order from Republican Gov. Since then, President Joe Biden signed a spending package that outlaws TikTok on the federal government's devices, with more possible restrictions to come on the app.īelow, we’ve collected a sample of state actions against TikTok and how that affects public colleges in different parts of the country. And later that month, Forbes found ByteDance employees had even tracked the physical location of several of its journalists. In December, the director of the FBI publicly brought up worries about TikTok. Privacy concerns reared up again last June, when Buzzfeed reported ByteDance’s employees in China repeatedly accessed some nonpublic data about U.S. As of 2021, TikTok reached 1 billion monthly users globally. Fears abounded then that the popular app created a window for China into American users’ personal data, as it’s owned by Chinese company ByteDance.

Policy debates about the app date to the tenure of former President Donald Trump, whose administration tried and failed to shut down TikTok.